Poker Night

A deck of cards is not new to me. In fact, I pride myself in knowing a lot of card games. Like Flush, Rummy, and a lot of other games whose Nepali names I know. And, I'm quite good at them.

So when I came here and was told that Friday night would be a Poker night, well, I didn't know what to do. Because this was a game I'd never played before. Anyway, as I sat down at the table with my colleagues from office and the game's rules were explained to me, it started making sense. I'd played cards with stakes before - only difference was that this time it was going to be in US dollars.

The games we played depended on what game the dealer wanted to play. So it ranged from Texas Hold'em, to 5 stud, to 7 stud, to Fiery Cross, to Mexican Draw, to 5-Draw, and many more of which I can't remember. The house rules were simple - get your own beer, and your money. The rest would be dealt with at the table.

I won a couple of good hands, but finally ended up losing almost all my cash. Sad, I know. Not to worry, because I have my American Express credit card to take care of everything else! Thank God for plastic money, eh!


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