So it is

So it is.
A fact, a farce.
A mask. A diktat.
Affable anger, sarcastic smile. Misguided sentiments.

So it is.
A faucet, a leash.
A spear. Tipped with hot iron.
Unspoken words, unforgotten moments. Useless expressions.

So it is.
A fear, some hope.
A fabrication. All ill-gotten.
Of mistrusted trust, unassuming faith. Nonchalant existence.

So it is.
A risk, a game.
A story. Well told.
A feeble hold, genuine strength. Touchable memories.

So it is.
A dice, some rain.
Satisfaction. Never guaranteed.
Freeing inhibitions, plunging depths. The unassuming.

So it is.
Life. A salute.


  1. as usual a pleasure to read...
    damn nice dude...

  2. Nice one bro... The different emotions/phases in life very nicely put to words :)...

  3. Thanks Babs..
    I wanted this one to be like a mixed bag where
    nothing is connected except that they're all a part of life :)

  4. That's exactly what it feels like dude... U have just picked out few of the many phases of one's life and mixed it up in a bag...
    Even though not connected, we all will be able to identify times when we have felt this way sometime....

  5. The first line reminded so me so much of the song:-

    "The Blowers daughter"

    The best part of your posts is the positivity you see in life despite its two faces!

    Keep that up always...

  6. You're right Sash... whenever I read the first line of this poem, the song "Blower's Daughter" starts playing in my mind :)
    But trust me, it's not at all inspired from there hehe..
    And thanks Sash.. it's easier with friends like you around :)

  7. Well i also thought it was Damien Rice inspired poem...The Blower's daughter which also happens to be one of my favourite songs :)


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