A worthy road-trip!

The Voice Of Sikkim press coverage.
If there's anything that I love more than photography, then it has to be my love for the road. The numerous road trips I've undertaken in my faithful Alto bear a testimony to that fact. And for about 6 months now, I have been planning (at least in my head) to do an "India Road Trip" sort of a thing (no details now, sorry!).

Then when I heard that my friend Pravin Rana and his cousin had embarked on a similar journey on a motorbike, well my respect for the guy grew ten-fold! The two of them, Pravin and  Prasun, apparently travelled from Bangalore, Karnataka to Pakyong, Sikkim - about 2,750 kilometers - over seven days on their bikes. Awesome! 

So here's this post, dedicated to these adventure folks for doing something that I've always wanted to do myself - discover India on the road. Someday, for sure! But for now, kudos to Pravin and Prasun on a job well done!


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