Rain today, Burn tomorrow

Bangalore - the air conditioned city. Or so it used to be.

Not anymore.

It was the city where you really didn't need air conditioners. Throughout the year, the weather would be a very pleasant one and during the winters one would actually need woolens.

Not anymore.

Temperatures now reach an unheard of 38 degrees Celsius. It's a pain to come out in the open - the innumerous trees that used to line the roads of The Garden City have fast disappeared, having made way for broader roads. Or at least that's what the corporators claim. Anyway the fact is, the Sun is an enemy now.

The only good thing now is the onset of rains. What's it called - pre-monsoon showers? Whatever, geography was never my subject in school! Anyways, that's the one thing to look forward to nowadays. Rain. Water. Manna!

You can actually see and feel the calming, soothing effect the rains has on the people here. Check out the FB status of Bangaloreans when it rains - it speaks the story! Smileys all around, happy messages. Of course there are a lot of flip sides when it rains - traffic jams, water logging, and of course the notorious auto-wallahs of Bangalore whose already high rates triple under these circumstances.

But then, as long as it rains and as long as you don't have to worry about those issues, its bliss. The people, transformed. The evening, perfect. It's a time when windows are kept wide open to let the cool, cool breeze in. A time when a warm peg of Johnny Walker makes perfect sense.

You wake up the next morning, and the after effects of the rain are now just a lingering memory. And as the day progresses, it becomes incredibly clear that the relief, though magical, was only a temporary one. You're back to battling the heat. And your sweaty underarms!

"Burn!", the Sun screams.

You sigh.

You look up to the sky - and whimsically hope that the gray clouds that you see are not just a part of your imagination.


  1. Yeah. Temperature is soaring in Blore. This saturday, when I was returning from Koramangala, I really felt blissful!
    It was raining heavily and for the first time, I didn't have to worry about getting wet in the rain. The roads looked good with two wheelers taking a break and paving the way for BOB!

  2. haha.. how does it feel Sash? :P No more stopping when it rains :D


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