Liar, Liar

"I hate liars". A typical statement if you ask any lady about her not-so-ideal man. That is to say that typically women resent/abhor/loathe men who lie. At least that's what I heard.

Yet, they get so angry when you don't tell them they're beautiful. Or, if you are one of those daring kinds, then maybe you could blatantly try using the word: ugly. That is what a non-liar would say, honestly. Yet, somehow, neither do we men muster the courage to (st)utter those words and neither are women going to be respond kindly to hearing those words.

So, who's the bigger liar here?

You can see the various comments somebody would get on their pictures posted in their social networking profiles. Even though the world, including whose photo it is, knows that he/she is not blessed in the looks department, people would discretely click on the "Like" button and be done with it. And some would go a step further and instead flatteringly praise the shirt/ear-rings/nail polish/hair style.

But who cares. 

I, for one, would accept unhindered love shown on my checked shirt than on my crooked nose. Any damn day. We are emotional creatures after all!


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