Reliance BIG TV: What I think of it

(The blatant lie on their website - please have some s
hame, BIG TV!)

I am super depressed by the quality of their services. It's pathetic, to say the least! And very blatantly they have displayed on their website "The best customer care service EVER"! How dare they! That is a complete lie, if you ask me.

A person trying to reach their customer care does not get through the Toll Free number - it's always, always busy. Second, there are no local lines for major cities - I stay in Bangalore and because I can't get through to their toll free number, I have to make STD (long distance calls) call to their Mumbai customer care number... WHY? Most service providers have a working toll free number, or at least they have local alternatives for major cities, but not these folks. Finally, after going through their laborious IVR (which doesn't even mention how to contact a customer care executive in the Main Menu, for crying out loud!), I had to wait for 15 bloody minutes and YET nobody answered my call. And this is not the first time, and I am not the first person either! If they go to then they will see the real facts of how badly their customer care sucks!

Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic - I faced the same issue during my installation one year ago (where their 72 hours deadline ended up taking 48 extra hours!) and again now while shifting residence.

We all understand that there are rushes but that is what such corporate houses are about - managing them optimally. If they can't do that, then at least they should have the decency to not lie and rate their customer service as the best EVER. Don’t they have some shame!?!

And the best part – your go to their website, and try to send them a feedback, and the page just dies on you after clicking on “Submit”. I don’t know whom to blame because this company, which is supposed to be so full of values, just doesn’t seem to have any!

Please, if you are an existing BIG TV customer like me and have feedback/stories to share, please do so freely. And if you are planning on getting a new BIG TV connection – PLEASE DON’T!


  1. Reliance customer care sucks bigtime whether it is phone service, data card or as you said "Big TV".

    You have my sympathy DUDE!!!


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