Wonderings - 10

A typical scene at a Bangalore traffic jam.
I was wondering why we (more specifically, us Indians) are always so much in a hurry to reach somewhere., especially on the roads? So much in a rush we are that we always end up choking our roads until none of us can move. Caught in a rush so immediate that we brush past most of the traffic signals that come our way, dismissing them as mere pawns trying to stop the mighty me. "How dare that red light!", is what we snicker to ourselves as we vainly vroom past them to wrestle against like-minded roadsters coming from all sides known to mankind.

Yet, I always wonder, why oh why we never - NEVER - make it on time anywhere? Be it meetings, or appointments, why are we always late. Almost as if "time" was just another incomprehensible word.

Does make you wonder, doesn't it?


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